Tooth Day Tuesday

What about fluoride?

This week, Erin was on the Rahny Taylor Morning Show on 97.3, talking about the differences of opinion regarding fluoride and why we still think it is beneficial for your teeth. You can listen to the segment here:

If you ever have any question about fluoride or anything affecting your teeth, please let us know!


Why do we visit the dentist twice a year?

This week on The Rahny Taylor Morning Show, Erin and the group spoke about why it's so important to visit the dentist regularly. There are a couple key takeaways here:

  1. How often you should see your dentist is something that you should decide with your dental health professional. While the average is once every 6 months, some people would greatly benefit from going more frequently. 
  2. Visiting your dentist regularly allows your dental health professional to assess how your home dental care is going. Checking on the health of your gums is extremely important and being able to catch any decay early will benefit you in more ways than one.
  3. Even the best brusher could get decay between their teeth. Flossing regularly is a good way to try to prevent this type of decay but going to see your dentist regularly will allow them to check and see how everything is looking. X-rays can be very helpful in catching decay between the teeth early.

So remember, visit your dentist regularly and discuss with them how often you should be going to properly care for your teeth!

What's the deal with fluoride?

Yesterday on The Rahny Taylor Morning Show on 97.3, Erin talked to Rahny about the importance of fluoride and why you should ask for it at your dentist. Fluoride bonds with your enamel to make your teeth more resistant to decay. This is true whether you are a child or an adult and therefore, fluoride is beneficial for all patients. For more information on the benefits of fluoride, please visit the ADA website.

If you missed Tooth Day Tuesday yesterday, you can listen to the segment here: