Sharing Smiles

Winter Weather Tips

Since snow is already on the ground, we thought that we should talk about the inevitable: winter. It might not technically be winter yet, but it sure feels like it is! With all this cold, dry air we’d like to offer a couple of tips for your oral health.

  1. Carry Chapstick. Well, it doesn’t have to be the brandname Chapstick (although that IS what Dr. Wilk carries) but be sure to carry some kind of lip balm or vaseline with you. The dry air can really make your lips susceptible to chapping and cracking and keeping them moisturized also makes it more comfortable to brush and floss every day!

  2. Drink Water! This is just never going to get old. =) There is very little moisture in the air at this time of year, so drinking water not only helps to keep your teeth clean, but it keeps your mouth, lips and entire body hydrated, which is always a good thing.

  3. Replace Your Toothbrush. Well, you should be doing this at least every 6 months, but more like every 3-4 months. Even if you have recently replaced it, if you are experiencing your first winter cold or flu, throw your existing toothbrush (or toothbrush head, if you are using an electric toothbrush) away and buy yourself a new one. Germ-free is the way to go! On that note, please don’t share your toothbrush with anyone.

  4. Address Sensitivity: If at any time the cold air causes sensitivity with your teeth, please be sure to call your dentist right away.

These tips can help keep your mouth and overall health in better shape this time of year. Enjoy the start of the season everyone! Stay warm, stay hydrated and keep on Sharing Smiles!

Preparing for Fall!

It’s about this time every year, where you are supposed to do a checklist of things to prepare your house for the changing of the seasons. Checking the gutters, changing the furnace filter and replacing batteries in your fire alarms are just a few examples. We think this is also a great time of year to do a few things to make sure your dental health is taken care of. 

  1. Replace your toothbrush! Similar to replacing your furnace filter, it is time to get a new toothbrush! You should actually do this every 4 - 6 months to make sure you have the best tools to properly care for your teeth.

  2. Eliminate one bad habit or start a good one. This is a great time of year to pick ONE thing that you know you need to work on and do it. Whether it is drinking less soda, flossing every day or eliminating sugary snacks throughout the day, start it now. If we begin implementing this now, we should have a good foundation to stay strong with this habit throughout the holiday season, which can be challenging.

  3. Drink more water! We know pumpkin lattes are delicious, but be sure you are drinking water throughout the day to rinse your teeth of sugar and acid. In addition, as it gets colder and drier outside, we need more water! 

  4. Check your insurance benefits. This is the time of year to see what you still have remaining in your dental insurance benefits so that you can maximize them. If you have been holding off on something, do it now, before the chaos of the holidays. Even if you don’t have benefits left, if you need dental treatment you should work out a way to get that done so that your mouth is in good health as the holidays approach. 

Use this time of year to get yourself prepared for the holidays, make the most of your dental benefits and set good oral hygiene habits!

Kindness, Love and Sharing Smiles

Many of us know exactly where we were on this day seventeen years ago. We know who we were with and what we were doing. We watched on TV as the unthinkable happened and we likely had mixed emotions as the day unfolded. 

Today we remember those who bravely ran into the buildings to help strangers. We remember all of those who volunteered to help in the wreckage afterwards. We remember all of those who did not make it home on the evening of September 11, 2001. 

As we remember what 9/11 was and how it affected all of us, may we also take stock today of what we have and be grateful for it. While we remember those who helped strangers and ran into burning buildings, might we also help others in some small way. What better way to remember those who gave everything than by giving back in our own community?

So, today and all week, we encourage everyone to practice Sharing Smiles. Buy someone’s coffee while in line at the drive-through. Help someone cross the street. Carry someone’s groceries. More than anything else today, let’s practice kindness and love. 

After all, isn't that what gets us though? Kindness, Love and Sharing Smiles.