At Home Care

October is National Dental Hygiene Month!

What better way to celebrate this October holiday than by trying to implement our four dental health tips into your daily routine. Dental Hygiene Month is meant to raise awareness of how important the health of your mouth is and to also encourage everyone to take better care of their teeth! With that, we give you four tips for better oral health:

  1. Brush: We are aware that we sound a bit like a broken record here, but you should brush your teeth TWICE a day for TWO minutes each time. It is THAT important. =)

  2. Floss: One time per day. Over 30% of your tooth structure exists between your teeth, so flossing ensures that ALL of your teeth and ALL of their surfaces gets clean.

  3. Rinse: There are a lot of great mouth rinses out their that can provide a fluoride boost before bed. Remember though, even rinsing with water throughout the day or after a meal can help get rid of debris in your mouth! If you do use a mouth rinse, look for one without alcohol.

  4. Chew: While too much chewing can put additional stress on your TMJ (temporomandibular joint), chewing a sugar free gum after a meal, can not only pull food debris out of the nooks and crannies of your teeth, but it increases saliva flow and helps to restore your mouth to a neutral pH level. Better yet, find a gum with xylitol, like this one, and give your teeth a protective boost!

All in all, try to set some good habits going now. That way, by the time the stress of the holidays come around, your dental habits will be in tip-top shape and ready to take on the changes in the routine that are sure to come up.

Preparing for Fall!

It’s about this time every year, where you are supposed to do a checklist of things to prepare your house for the changing of the seasons. Checking the gutters, changing the furnace filter and replacing batteries in your fire alarms are just a few examples. We think this is also a great time of year to do a few things to make sure your dental health is taken care of. 

  1. Replace your toothbrush! Similar to replacing your furnace filter, it is time to get a new toothbrush! You should actually do this every 4 - 6 months to make sure you have the best tools to properly care for your teeth.

  2. Eliminate one bad habit or start a good one. This is a great time of year to pick ONE thing that you know you need to work on and do it. Whether it is drinking less soda, flossing every day or eliminating sugary snacks throughout the day, start it now. If we begin implementing this now, we should have a good foundation to stay strong with this habit throughout the holiday season, which can be challenging.

  3. Drink more water! We know pumpkin lattes are delicious, but be sure you are drinking water throughout the day to rinse your teeth of sugar and acid. In addition, as it gets colder and drier outside, we need more water! 

  4. Check your insurance benefits. This is the time of year to see what you still have remaining in your dental insurance benefits so that you can maximize them. If you have been holding off on something, do it now, before the chaos of the holidays. Even if you don’t have benefits left, if you need dental treatment you should work out a way to get that done so that your mouth is in good health as the holidays approach. 

Use this time of year to get yourself prepared for the holidays, make the most of your dental benefits and set good oral hygiene habits!

Fall into Good Oral Health!

Some people like to think that their teeth will be exactly like their parents teeth were. You might think, "If mom had a lot of decay, so will I". While genetics can play a role in how your teeth are, your daily habits and routine can make a huge difference in your oral health, regardless of your parents.

So, why not make this fall the time to ‘fall’ into good oral health by developing some good habits and using the best products. For starters, you do need to floss once a day and brush for 2 minutes, two times a day, every day. This is imperative for your teeth to stay healthy! You also might want to consider investing in an electric toothbrush. These tools are extremely helpful in making sure you brush for the correct time and they do a great job at removing debris from your teeth and helping them to keep their pearly white color.

When it comes to color, many people would like to have whiter teeth. At home, try a whitening toothpaste to use when you brush twice a day. In addition, drink liquids that might stain your teeth (coffee, tea, red wine are a few examples) in moderation, and always try to drink water immediately after. 

If you really want to make an impact on your tooth color though, the best thing to do is to professionally whiten your teeth. Seeing a dentist for custom whitening trays will ensure that the whitening solution stays on your teeth, where it belongs, and not on your gums or tongue. Your dentist will also have high quality, professional whitening solution, which will give you the best results. 

While you are at the dentist to ask about your whitening, make sure you schedule your preventative exam and cleaning. These twice-a-year dental visits are extremely important. For one, they allow your dentist and hygienist to make sure you are doing the best job you can at home. They can recommend a product, if needed, and teach you the best way to care for your teeth. In addition, these (usually) bi-annual visits allow your dentist to catch any issues or decay earlier rather than later. The earlier tooth decay is caught, the easier it is to treat it and the less tooth structure it will affect.

So, if you know you are due for your dental visit, we encourage you to schedule it now. Make this fall the season you take charge of your dental health and develop some good dental habits!

And, remember, pumpkin spice lattes are delicious, but they are acidic, sugary and have staining potential … so, everything in moderation!

Back to School with a Smile!

It’s that time of year again! School supplies are purchased (and labeled!), new clothes are ready for those school pictures and the first day of school is upon us. We’ve put together a few tips on how to start the school year off with your best foot (and best smile) forward!

  1. Be sure to start the school year with a dental exam and cleaning. Some schools require that a child entering 4K or Kindergarten have a dental exam before the year starts. Even if that is not the case, be sure your child has their preventative visit before school starts or as soon as possible. If there are any issues, you want to catch them early and not have your child experiencing dental pain while trying to focus on their school work. 
  2. Put up a brushing calendar for your kids! School is all about accountability and hitting goals. A brushing calendar to monitor their daily brushing habits will fit right in. Post this in the bathroom or their bedroom and encourage them to use crayons or stickers to mark down every time they brush. If they get a full month of brushing for 2 minutes, 2 times a day, consider adding a reward for them. See one below!
  3. Pack tooth-healthy lunches and snacks! It’s easy to pack processed foods in your child’s lunch because it’s quick, but remember that fresh fruits and vegetables are also quick and are a much better option for your child’s teeth and overall health. A few healthy options are: cheeses, cucumbers, apples and carrots. These will not only keep your child’s teeth healthy but also give them a great pick-me-up in the middle of the school day!

With a few simple steps you can ensure that your child starts the school year with their best smile possible! Have a great school year, everyone!

Monthly Brushing Calendar.png

It's Still Summer! Who Needs a Routine?! (Hint: We all do!)

Here we are in mid-August (can you believe it?) and there’s a good chance that summer has gotten the better of many of our routines. Going to bed, waking up, when we eat our meals … all of these things, and more, have become less routine for many of us as the summer has worn on. And yet, in a matter of weeks, we will all be in “back-to-school” mode. Fall will be upon us and many of us (not naming names) will be needing to get back on schedule ASAP.

That makes this a great time to be sure that your oral health care routine gets back on track before the craziness of fall hits. There are a few simple things to do to make sure you are ready:

First: Be sure to get back on your brushing and flossing habits! Brush two times a day for two minutes, morning and night and floss one time a day. Using a fluoride toothpaste can help!

Second: If you are squeezing in some last minute travel plans, take healthy snacks with you. Apples, oranges, bananas and cheese sticks are all easily transportable, make great on-the-go snacks and are healthier for your teeth and body than processed foods. If you are bringing pretzels or chips with you, try to add cheese to the snack also. Starting these snacking habits now will help you transition into some great school lunch snacks also!

Third: Keep travel size toothbrushes, paste and floss with you or in the car for day-trips or spur-of-the-moment plans! It is fun to be spontaneous but not-so-fun to skip brushing or flossing so set yourself up for travel success!

Lastly: Drink water! Whether you are on the road, at home or starting school again, drinking water throughout the day is one of the easiest things you can do to maintain your dental health!

Regardless of what your daily routine ends up looking like, be sure your brushing routine stays strong!