Is this a dental emergency? How do I know?

During this unprecedented time of 2020 there is a lot of uncertainty about many things. Due to the risk of transmitting and/or contracting COVID-19 or the coronavirus during dental treatment, we are only seeing essential or emergency dental patients at this time. This has raised the question: What is a dental emergency?

The American Dental Association has used information from several health organizations to create this flow chart to help us and our staff establish who we should treat as a dental emergency. We think that this is helpful to share with our patients so that we can ideally all be on the same page.

This flow chart is from the ADA and is recommended for dentists to use when screening patients who need to be seen.

This flow chart is from the ADA and is recommended for dentists to use when screening patients who need to be seen.

So, with this information in mind, please know that if you have suffered a dental trauma- broken tooth, bleeding tissue, etc, or if you have a dental emergency, you should call us! We have staff here on Mondays and on Wednesdays (from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.) to answer calls and check messages. Dr. Clancy is also on call and we will make sure that those of you with dental emergencies will get the treatment you need, whether that is here in our office, or we need to refer you to a specialist.

If you have any questions, please let us know and we look forward to seeing you soon!